Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)

Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen)

A variety of different flavours to try out 22 Testimonials
6 different Anifit cat food dishes. The can size depends on the chosen box: 200g, 400g or 810g Delice de Coeur Nautilus Ragout Eismeer Terinne Fish à ... read more
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 23.90 €
400g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 29.80 €
810g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 37.20 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)
Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen) 200g (1 Pack with different flavours and samples)

Our taster box offers a variety of different cat foods to try out.


6 different Anifit cat food dishes. The can size depends on the chosen box: 200g, 400g or 810g

Delice de Coeur
Nautilus Ragout
Eismeer Terinne
Fish à la mode
Puterichs Delight

1 Testpack Hühnerbrust
1 Feed conversion aid 15g Hühnerherzen
1 Feed conversion aid 15g Rotbarsch
1 Nutrition Guide
1 Snap-on lid



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Analytical components

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Feeding recommendation

Feeding recommendation

Read the instructions provided with the specific product


Combo pack

What our customers say

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Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Vor 12 Jahren hatte ich einen Burnout. In dieser Zeit ist mir eine Katze, meine Pita, zugelaufen und bei mir geblieben. Sie war für mich meine Therapiekatze. In den letzten Jahren hatte sie sich oft erbrochen. Seit ungefähr 2 Monaten füttere ich sie mit ANIfit. Sie ist wieder lebhafter und spielt auch wieder und hat auch kein Erbrechen mehr und wenn ich Probleme habe bei der Nahrungsumstellung usw. kann ich jederzeit mit Frau Zintl Kontakt aufnehmen. 10.02.2025 Vor 12 Jahren hatte ich einen Burnout. In dieser Zeit ist mir eine Katze, meine Pita, zugelaufen und bei mir geblieben. Sie war für mich meine Therapiekatze. In den letzten Jahren hatte sie sich of... Read review Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Liebes Team von Provital, ich möchten Ihnen ein herzliches Dankeschön im Namen meiner ganzen Familie aussprechen! Wir haben seit Jahren Rassekatzen, und wie so mancher Tierbesitzer meint man es gut und kauft und kauft.. Futter  und Leckerlis, in der Hoffnung den eigenen Tieren etwas Gutes zu tun. Irgendwann sind die Katzen nicht mehr klein und jung und die gesundheitlichen Probleme fangen an.... Just kam ich da in Kontakt mit Ihrer Frau Cziborra- meine Provital Beraterin, die mir geduldig zu... Liebes Team von Provital, ich möchten Ihnen ein herzliches Dankeschön im Namen meiner ganzen Familie aussprechen! Wir haben seit Jahren Rassekatzen, und wie so mancher Tierbesitzer meint man es gut ... Read review Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Ich gebe zu, ich war extrem skeptisch, als es um die Umstellung auf Nassfutter ging. Jahrelang habe ich nur Trockenfutter gefüttert und konnte mir nicht vorstellen, dass Nassfutter einen so großen Unterschied machen würde. Doch Sandra Paruzel hat mich mit ihrer professionellen Beratung und ihrem Wissen überzeugt – und ich bin einfach nur begeistert! Mein Hund Zeno hatte lange Probleme mit seinen Pfoten. Er hat sie ständig geleckt, geknabbert und war sichtlich unwohl. Seit der Umstellung auf das... Ich gebe zu, ich war extrem skeptisch, als es um die Umstellung auf Nassfutter ging. Jahrelang habe ich nur Trockenfutter gefüttert und konnte mir nicht vorstellen, dass Nassfutter einen so großen Unt... Read review Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Hallo, ich wollte ein kleines Feedback geben. Heute kam das Fleischewürz an. Was soll ich sagen? Ich bin ÜBERRASCHT. MeinKater ist mäkelig, hasst jegliche Futtersorten und hat seit Tagen wirklich kaum etwas gefressen aus Protest. Aber jetzt schlabbert er sein Futter alles weg dank des Gewürzes. Wow, vielen Dank nochmal an Sandra Paruzel, die mich beraten hat. Das Gewürz ist eine mega Hilfe, werde ich definitiv häufiger nachkaufen.Liebe Grüße  25.11.2024 Hallo, ich wollte ein kleines Feedback geben. Heute kam das Fleischewürz an. Was soll ich sagen? Ich bin ÜBERRASCHT. MeinKater ist mäkelig, hasst jegliche Futtersorten und hat seit Tagen wirklich kaum... Read review
Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Seitdem wir das Futter Anifit von Christina empfohlen bekommen haben, haben wir es natürlich auch mal bestellt 🙈. Im Testpaket findet sich von jeder Sorte eine Dose, inklusive ein paar Leckerchen und etwas zum Draufstreuen, um das Futter noch interessanter zu machen. Zusammen mit der Hühnersuppe haben meine drei das Futter alle direkt gefuttert. Insgesamt kommt bei uns jede Sorte, bis auf Truthahn, super an. Auch weitere Leckerchen, die wir nun mitbestellt haben, kommen mega gut an. Den Restelöf... Seitdem wir das Futter Anifit von Christina empfohlen bekommen haben, haben wir es natürlich auch mal bestellt 🙈. Im Testpaket findet sich von jeder Sorte eine Dose, inklusive ein paar Leckerchen und ... Read review Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Super Beratung, das Futter hilft unserem Kalle und es schmeckt ihm auch noch. Hier wird nicht nur verkauft sondern auch immer wieder nachgefragt wie es dem Tier geht. Ich kann Carola nur sehr empfehlen. bis zum nächsten mal. Lg Melanie und Kalle 🐕 03.12.2024 Super Beratung, das Futter hilft unserem Kalle und es schmeckt ihm auch noch. Hier wird nicht nur verkauft sondern auch immer wieder nachgefragt wie es dem Tier geht. Ich kann Carola nur sehr empfehle... Read review Completely satisfied! These are our two mice Carlos and Paulchen! We have been feeding Anifit for about 1 1/2 years now and are completely satisfied with it and of course so are our two mice. After just a short time we have already noticed a huge improvement: Their coats became very shiny and very soft. Their faeces and the smell of their urine also became much better, it no longer smelled so strong and their digestion was stimulated more by Anifit. We noticed this when we found some leftovers from our old food and... These are our two mice Carlos and Paulchen! We have been feeding Anifit for about 1 1/2 years now and are completely satisfied with it and of course so are our two mice. After just a short time we h... Read review Barney (diarrhoea, dull coat, itching) Hello and good afternoon, I would like to say thank you on behalf of our cat Barney. A few weeks ago, our Barney wasn't feeling well at all. Diarrhoea, dull coat, itching and listless. We were at a loss as the symptoms persisted for several weeks. Until we spoke to our friend Barbara Sahlmann about it. She recommended the taster pack from Anifit. At first we thought it wouldn't work. But just a few days after Barney had eaten the food, he was feeling better. He became agile again, his bowel mov... Hello and good afternoon, I would like to say thank you on behalf of our cat Barney. A few weeks ago, our Barney wasn't feeling well at all. Diarrhoea, dull coat, itching and listless. We were at a l... Read review
All-round happy four-legged friends Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This arrived very quickly. Our animals came to have a look straight away and the food was accepted. Our 2 dogs couldn't wait and inhaled the bowl straight away, our cats needed a moment longer, but they tasted it too. I also think the composition is great and they tolerate it well. I look forward to the ... Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This ... Read review From dry to wet food Dear Anifit team, Wendy, 12 years old, was confiscated from a Messi household and housed at the Mon Ro Ranch cat shelter for a year. There she was offered wet and dry food (all kinds of donations). But she only ate dry food. She also did not eat well and did not like to eat (without appetite). On 07.10.2018 I was allowed to take her into care. I got some dry food (I'm Bella beautiful - rich in chicken with anti - hairball and for supple skin and shiny coat as well as Kitty's Cuisine, Adult, Rin... Dear Anifit team, Wendy, 12 years old, was confiscated from a Messi household and housed at the Mon Ro Ranch cat shelter for a year. There she was offered wet and dry food (all kinds of donations). B... Read review Cat taster pack tested Dear Anifit team, We were made aware of Anifit products by your lovely colleague Lisanne. She had seen on Instagram that we pay a lot of attention to high-quality food and wrote to us. We are very grateful to her. She explained a lot of things to us that we didn't even know, such as that dry food is not good for the little ones. She also told us a lot about Anifit, how much meat it contains, what the salmon oil is good for and much more. When we ordered your trial pack, we were delighted that i... Dear Anifit team, We were made aware of Anifit products by your lovely colleague Lisanne. She had seen on Instagram that we pay a lot of attention to high-quality food and wrote to us. We are very gr... Read review In search of healthy food! Dear Anifit team, I had been looking for a long time for a healthy and nutritious food that my two eleven-year-old tomcats would also like to eat. They are siblings and very picky, so I was curious to see how they would take to the wet food. I ordered a taster pack to get them started and then began the food changeover, during which my consultant helped me a lot with tips and tricks. At first they both refused the food, but with a lot of patience and consistency I managed to get them to eat it ... Dear Anifit team, I had been looking for a long time for a healthy and nutritious food that my two eleven-year-old tomcats would also like to eat. They are siblings and very picky, so I was curious t... Read review
Mohrchen and Lucie test the taster pack Well, neither of them touch the spikey fish and the chicken hearts to this day, but Mohrchen likes the Piccolina. As for the wet food, it can be said that the Nautilus variety was particularly popular with Mohrchen. Fish à la Mode was somewhat less attractive to Mohrchen and Lucie than Nautilus. Puterich's Delight, on the other hand, did not meet with much enthusiasm from either of them. Like Nautilus, they both accepted the Eismeer terrine and the Power pot quite well, but Mohrchen seemed to f... Well, neither of them touch the spikey fish and the chicken hearts to this day, but Mohrchen likes the Piccolina. As for the wet food, it can be said that the Nautilus variety was particularly popula... Read review We are well supplied with Anifit Hello Anifit Team, What does a cat need to be anifit ....and that's fine! From 400 gr to 800 gr, you can see what an appetite we have ....😂. My boys have tried a lot of things, many of them ....verschmäht. anifit cat food was accepted immediately, without ifs and buts. Bowls are filled ....zack ...empty. unbelievable. Anifit is a hit. Starting with the contents, consistency .....not forgetting the super advice and, last but not least, the delivery service. To be honest .... you ar... Hello Anifit Team, What does a cat need to be anifit ....and that's fine! From 400 gr to 800 gr, you can see what an appetite we have ....😂. My boys have tried a lot of things, many of ... Read review Calmer hangovers thanks to Pro Relax Ladies and Gentlemen, Four tomcats are part of my life. Unfortunately, a tomcat reacts very anxiously in many normal situations. He doesn't like fast movements, loud noises or anything unfamiliar. I wanted to do something about this and have already tried various things. Even a visit to a veterinary practitioner did not lead to the desired success. Your advert on the Internet drew my attention to your ANIFIT food and your other products. PRO RELAX caught my eye. I immediately tried it out and ... Ladies and Gentlemen, Four tomcats are part of my life. Unfortunately, a tomcat reacts very anxiously in many normal situations. He doesn't like fast movements, loud noises or anything unfamiliar. I ... Read review Our cat really likes the food Our cat is taking to the new food wonderfully. It's almost as if he's been waiting for it. I have not yet observed any potentially negative effects such as digestive problems or similar, in fact the opposite is the case. The cat is very lively, plays even more than before and looks happy all round. It's great that there are such alternatives to "supermarket food". The next order has already been placed. This product review was translated automatically. Our cat is taking to the new food wonderfully. It's almost as if he's been waiting for it. I have not yet observed any potentially negative effects such as digestive problems or similar, in fact the ... Read review
Paul's new food The new food arrived just in time for the cat's evening meal on the afternoon of the second day after the order was placed. As we all know, cats love boxes, and so did my Paul and was on hand to open them. The smell coming from the inside was very interesting. I didn't even get round to reading all the enclosed information and opened the first power pot. I put a full spoonful into Paul's food bowl on one side and a spoonful of the previous food on the other. Paul's reaction was amazing. He s... The new food arrived just in time for the cat's evening meal on the afternoon of the second day after the order was placed. As we all know, cats love boxes, and so did my Paul and was on hand to open ... Read review No bloated belly thanks to ANIFIT! Dear Mrs Forkel, Thank you for asking, everything is fine. Our little cat Mika accepted the food with enthusiasm, the changeover was practically instantaneous. He is 14 weeks old and no longer has a bloated belly after eating. And so much energy 😁. He is a mix of British Shorthair and Bengal. I am glad to have discovered your website. Yours sincerely Ulrike Fuchs This product review was translated automatically. Dear Mrs Forkel, Thank you for asking, everything is fine. Our little cat Mika accepted the food with enthusiasm, the changeover was practically instantaneous. He is 14 weeks old and no longer has a... Read review Excess kilos are a thing of the past! Last year, my wife and I had four-legged offspring in the form of our cat Charlie. As neither of us had any experience with cats, we made an appointment with a vet at the beginning to have him checked out. The vet told us that everything was fine, but that he could still lose a few grams. This seemed a bit strange to me personally, as we had taken over his previous owner's food and he was eating a maximum of 200g per day. So I simply checked to see if there were any professionals who could give ... Last year, my wife and I had four-legged offspring in the form of our cat Charlie. As neither of us had any experience with cats, we made an appointment with a vet at the beginning to have him checked... Read review Enthusiastic about the taster pack My cat Mr Schnuffi is quite demanding when it comes to his food. Following advice from Sandra Paruzel, I decided on the taster pack for cats and was curious to see what my cat would say. With ANIfit, my Mr Schnuffi really digs in and the bowl is empty every time! We are thrilled. This product review was translated automatically. My cat Mr Schnuffi is quite demanding when it comes to his food. Following advice from Sandra Paruzel, I decided on the taster pack for cats and was curious to see what my cat would say. With ANIfit, ... Read review
Amy's favourite food impresses with its quality and taste" In April 2024, I adopted a new cat from the animal shelter after the death of my previous 19-year-old cat. Amy is also already a senior cat and came to the shelter because her previous owner had to go into a nursing home. Amy has settled in really well with us and my food consultant Sandra Paruzel made me aware of the ANIfit animal welfare programme for adopted cats. Amy received one month's free food. Amy really likes ANIfit's food and the high-quality ingredients and high meat content really i... In April 2024, I adopted a new cat from the animal shelter after the death of my previous 19-year-old cat. Amy is also already a senior cat and came to the shelter because her previous owner had to go... Read review My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit. Sometimes he is very picky when it comes to food, but he took to this immediately and can't get enough of it. I can recommend the food with a clear conscience as it is very high quality. This product review was translated automatically. My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit. Sometimes he is very picky when it comes to food, but he took to this immediately and can't get enough of it. I can recommend the food with a clear conscience ... Read review

Cat Trial Package (Schnupperpaket Katzen)

A variety of different flavours to try out 22 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 23.90 €
400g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 29.80 €
810g, 1 Pack with different flavours and samples 6 different meals 37.20 €
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process

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